

发布日期:2010-09-10 21:44:00   浏览量:

On Tuesday the San Juan, Puerto Rico-based duo Allora & Calzadilla (Jennifer Allora, b. Philadelphia, 1974 and Guillermo Calzadilla, b. Havana, 1971) were picked to represent the U.S. at the 54th Venice Biennale, which runs from June 4 to November 27 of next year. ArtForum reports that the duo will premiere six new pieces both inside and outside the American pavilion, with, as one imagines in light of their previous work, a mix of video, sculpture, performance and participatory art.

经过将近一年的遴选,波多黎各多媒体艺术双人组“阿罗拉和卡尔萨迪拉”(Allora & Calzadilla)被选定为2011年威尼斯双年展美国馆的代言人,这是有史以来第一次由艺术家双人组或团体来承担这个神圣的使命。美国国务院委托了印第安纳波利斯美术馆来负责明年国家馆的组织工作;该馆当代艺术部负责人丽莎·弗雷曼(Lisa Freiman)为特派专员。她同时还是展览推广策展人。

Their formally rigorous and conceptually adventurous works maintain a distinct sense of humor, like a video of a trumpet mounted on a motorcycle exhaust pipe, six-feet-long pieces of chalk made available to protesters during a public demonstration, and "Hope Hippo" (2005, pictured), a mud sculpture continually occupied by a seated reader. Despite the quality of the duo's work, the State Department's selection will probably ruffle some feathers among the cultural elites.

继2009年布鲁斯·瑙曼(Bruce Nauman)在威尼斯获得巨大成功,为祖国捧回金狮后,此次选择“阿罗拉和卡尔萨迪拉”既是一次甘冒风险的尝试——两位艺术家都不到四十岁,名气也谈不上家喻户晓——又表达了一种文化融合的展望:珍妮佛·阿罗拉出生在宾夕法尼亚,吉列尔莫·卡尔萨迪拉则出生在古巴。两人从1995年开始合作,擅长将声音、画面、表演、雕塑以及其他一些媒介融为一体,创造出丰富多样的作品,借以探讨政治、文化认同和作者权威方面的问题。

And not because Allora & Calzadilla's work falls quite comfortably within the boundaries of the high-production values conceptualism favored by most contemporary art institutions nowadays. Rather, the late-30s duo are much younger and less familiar on the global art scene than the usual U.S. picks for the Biennale, who in the last five years have been: Ed Ruscha (2005) Félix González-Torres (2007, posthumous) and Bruce Nauman (2009). All of which gives better reason to be excited by their selection and, if you can manage it somehow, visit Venice next summer.
