
2020法国INNODESIGN PRIZE创新设计大奖亚洲区征稿

发布日期:2020-03-01 16:20:42   浏览量:

2020年第七届法国INNODESIGN PRIZE国际创新设计大奖中国区征稿正式启动,我们再度邀请世界各地拥有创新梦想的设计师,一起启动“探索创新设计,引领行业边界”,探讨设计如何在多元化发展中实现多学科的融合与交叉,为社会、经济、科技等议题寻求创新解决方案,从平面设计、工业设计、产品设计、室内设计、纺织设计五大类别里寻找设计为不同行业创造更多的可能性,从而革新设计未来。

Once again, we invite designers from all over the world with dreams of innovation, to "explore innovative design and lead the industry boundaries", discussing how design can achieve the integration and intersection of multiple disciplines in diversified development, and seek innovative solutions for social, economic, technological and other issues. And from the graphic design, industrial design, product design, interior design, textile design five categories of design to bring more creative possibilities for different industries, so as to innovate the future of design.


一、大赛日程/ Schedule of the competition

2020年3月1日 正式启动报名(报名免费)

2020年7月15日 报名时间截止

2020年7月15日 评审开始

2020年8月15日 公布复审结果

2020年9月 确定出国名单及办理相关手续

2020年10月 赴法国参加颁奖典礼及交流

二、国际评审/ International review

法国INNODESIGN PRIZE国际创新设计大奖评审团汇集了领先的设计专业人士、著名学者和领先专家。评委成员在国家、专业等方面构成多样。

The INNODESIGN PRIZE jury brings together leading design professionals, renowned academics and leading experts. The members of the jury are diverse in countries and professions.

三、获奖价值/ Prize value

(一)大赛宗旨/ Contest objective

1. 产权保护/ Property rights protection


We attach importance to original design works to ensure the authenticity of design works and the protection of property rights.

2. 融合实际 / Integrate reality


We are committed to promoting the development of design works to the direction of strong operability and sustainability.

3. 衷于热情/Be enthusiastic


We are committed to inspiring designers to continue their creative passion.

4. 对设计师的全力支持/ Full support for the designer


We will provide comprehensive network support for the winning designers and recommend outstanding designers to the French creative design professional council.


We try our best to assist designers in the promotion and publicity in Europe, and promote designers' international learning and communication.

(二)获奖设计师特权/ Award winning designer privilege


The winning designer will be eligible to apply for membership of the French creative design council international designer membership.

2、获奖设计师作品将刊登在法国 INNODESIGN PRIZE 的官网

The winning designer's works will be published on the website of INNODESIGN PRIZE.
